Bishop Gregory B. Payton
Meet the Bishop
Bishop Gregory Bernard Payton is held as one of the premiere pastors and voices in ministry today. He was raised in the historic St. John Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of the late organizer, Dr. C. J. Anderson. He is known throughout the nation for delivering powerful messages of perseverance, reconciliation and hope on a level where even a child can comprehend. On October 1, 2004, Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church presented Reverend Gregory B. Payton as the second Pastor of the historic church. With his energetic preaching, Bishop Payton has inspired, informed, instructed, enthused, convicted and changed the hearts of many people to give their lives to Jesus Christ. He has truly transitioned Greater St. John to higher heights. Bishop Payton is a visionary who has allowed the Spirit of God to take control and lead him as he feeds and instructs God’s people. Under the leadership of Bishop Payton, Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church has implemented many new ministries and enhanced several existing ministries. He currently holds the office of President of the California Missionary Baptist State Congress on Christian Education. In December of 2016, he was elevated to the office of Bishop, which took place in an official Bishop Consecration Service held at the Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church of Oakland, California. His future is bright and there are so many more blessings in store for him. This January, 2023, he celebrated eighteen years as Pastor of the Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church of Oakland California. He is a humble under-shepherd and a dynamic orator. Being a motivator, advisor, administrator, businessman, lecturer, revivalist, coach, mentor, teacher, father, grandfather, visionary, pastor and so much more, he has truly made a lasting impression and continues to do so for his parishioners, family, community and certainly for future generations to come.