Men of Excellence
The Men of Excellence is a ministry for all men to serve the Lord and His people through fellowship, biblical study, and outreach.
Women of Excellence
Senior Women
They still bear fruit in their old age; they will remain vital and green. Psl. 92:14
The Senior Women’s Ministry is compromised of married and single women between the ages of 61-79.
Our mission is to support the advancement of God’s Kingdom by living out the principles of the Holy Bible. We emphasize the importance of prayer, Bible study, and fellowship, creating an environment where sisters can share their joys, sorrows, and spiritual journeys. The mature Christian sister will have avenues to exercise her gift for the edifying of the church. A young sister in the faith will find a sisterhood that will gently guide and support her growth on the journey to maturity.
Together in love we will grow and enjoy all that God has purposed for our lives.
Sis. Elaine Jointer, Ministry Leader
Sis. Barbara Maxwell, 1st Vice
Sis. Sherry Green, 2nd Vice
Sis. Jacqueline Trujillio-Jackson, Secretary
Sis. Beverly Loyo, Assistant Secretary
Sis. Carolyn Smith, Treasurer
Sis. Faith Wallace, Assistant Treasurer
Women of Excellence
Women of Excellence 2
We are the daughters of the highest God.
Our mission is to lead, guide and illustrate the goodness of God through the Word of God, direction of our Bishop and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We connect with all women with the commitment of “No sister left behind”. We represent Christ as our Savior, seek to be of help to others, continue in prayer for the sick and afflicted and strive to learn more of Gods word.
Sis. Marilyn Latchison, Women’s Ministry Leader
Sis. Cynthia Burns-Long, 1st Vice
Sis. Linda Williams, 2nd Vice
Sis. Robin Lambert, Secretary
Sis. Cheri Lopes, Treasurer
Women of Excellence
Junior Women
The Junior women ministry is referred to as a ‘Safe Space’. A spiritual and physical space cultivated during ministry meetings and other endeavors where women ages 31-45 years old can grow in spiritual, professional, and personal development. Our faith and intimacy with God through biblical study and prayer is the foundation of all we do inside and outside of the walls of the sanctuary. We are grateful to serve God and one another with our gifts and time, to the glory of God!
Sis. Alexis Owens, Ministry Leader
Sis. Ebony Washington, 2nd Vice
Sis. Danielle Webb, Secretary
Women of Excellence
Women of the Future
Sis. Ashley Terrell, co-chair
Women of Excellence
Mothers of Excellence
The Mothers of Excellence ministry’s mission is to make Christ known to the world; to lift Him up so that all may come to have a personal knowledge of Him and accept Him as Lord & Savior and to go forth to be living witnesses for Him.
Sis. Artenzilee Lynch, Ministry Leader
Board of Deacons
Deacon’s first must be a Christian that love all brethren. We are called to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the Pastor and congregation. Men that are full of the Holy Ghost Act 4:31, and of honest report. Always respectful of leadership and the authority that God has placed over us. Our devotion is the time to bring the congregation together on one accord, as we expect to encounter the presence of the Lord.
Dea. George Eames
Dea. Bobby Lynch
Dea. Willie Van Thomas, Sr.
Dea. George Smith
Dea. Chester Lemieux
Dea. Errol Bullen
Sunday School
The mission of the Sunday School Department of the Greater Saint John Missionary Baptist Church is to teach the Word of God with a commitment to the truthfulness and authenticity of Scripture and to do so with humility. The three-fold principles that we ascribe to in teaching are Observation, Interpretation, and Application. In addition, the Sunday School Department teaches the Bible in collaboration with and in support of the Spirit-filled ministry of our pastor Bishop Gregory B. Payton.
Dea. Bobby Lynch, Assistant Superintendent
Min. Rosevelt Latchison, Associate Superintendent
Sis. Sonia Bush, Associate Superintendent
Vision Committee
The vision committee serves as the ‘arms and legs’ for spiritual and practical execution of the vision of our Pastor in all matters. We gladly carry out the mission to ensure the prayerful care and support of our Pastor as he leads God’s people.
Dea. Vincent Mitchell, Chairman
Children & Youth Ministry
“But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdoms of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
The Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church and its leadership are proponents of including Children, Youth and Young Adults in the Service of the Lord. Through Sunday School and Biblical Study we believe that if you train up a child in the way they should go, they will not depart. We have fun too!
Singles Ministry
The Single’s Ministry is structured as lecture and discussion sessions to help today’s Christian singles navigate through intentional dating and marriage-minded relationships, using Biblical principles and self-actualization tools in order to live a productive life for Christ no matter where they are in their single hood.
Sis. Monique Belle, Servant Leader
Echoes of Zion Choir
The Renowned Echoes of Zion Choir has provided spiritual and melodious Gospel Music since 1947. Under the direction and leadership of the late Reverend Carl J. Anderson the sound of the Echoes of Zion Choir has reached millions of listeners through Television and Radio. The Gospel Call Hour and the Period of Meditation will always be a staple in the lives of its members as well as long time listeners. To God be the Glory!
Sis. Sonia Bush, Assistant
Ministry Leader, Choir Director
Bro. James Richardson, Minister of Music
New Members Orientation and Committee
Our mission is to go into all the world and make disciples of Jesus Christ and to teach all Nations. We endeavor to encourage new members and those who have strayed away by teaching or reaffirming the foundational principles such as Salvation, Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, Your Role in the Church, Spiritual Gifts, Giving and Pastoral Encouragement.
Dea. George Smith
Dea. Bobby Lynch
Sis. Sonia Bush
Sis. Jacqueline Trujilio-Jackson
Sis. Sherry Green
Greeters & Hospitality Ministry
As noted in Hebrews 13:1-2 “Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained Angels unawares”.
Greater St. John Greeter’s mission is to extend a friendly welcome in spiritual love to all guests and strangers who enter the House of God here at Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church.
“Our Doors Swing Open On The Hinges of Welcome”!
Sis. Jacquelyn Trujilio-Jackson, Hospitality Servant Leader
Usher Board Ministry
“For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Psalm 84:10
Through the gracious spirit displayed by our Usher Board Ministry we welcome and greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It has always been said that our doors swing on the hinges of Welcome and this is a place where the Spirit of the Lord dwells. It is our hope and prayer that you enjoy your stay with us and we Welcome you to visit again.
Dea. Vincent Mitchell, Usher Board Servant Leader
Media Ministry
The media ministry is responsible for the sound and media to enhance worship services, both in-person or via our Gospel Call Hour Livestream. It is our privilege and pleasure to provide a lasting and impactful experience as you worship the true and living God.
Dea. Ronnie Cooper
Sis. Ashley Terrell
Sis. Reyna Cooper
Bro. Steven Mitchell
Music Ministry
“Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high-sounding cymbals. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 150:4-6 KJV
The music ministry is honored to serve the Lord through musical instruments and instruction in song to prepare and enhance the physical atmosphere with an invocation of the undeniable manifestation of the presence of our God. We do it all from a sincere and grateful heart.
Min. James Richardson, Minister of Music
Sis. Lenore Stoval, Organist
Bro. Brandon Keyes, Bass Player
Bro. William Nash, Drummer
Bro. Thomas Gifford, Musician
Culinary Ministry
The purpose of the Culinary Ministry is to serve as a liaison for all ministries who have food service needs at the church. It is also a creative and innovative ministry designed to serve God and others through food preparation.
Sis. Barbara Maxwell